Dos And Don’ts To Keep Your Headphones In Top Condition

Most people love wearing their headphones almost every day. No matter they do it during commuting, at work, at home, when taking a walk or at the gym, they just carry their headphones no matter when they go.

If you fit into this category, then you want to ensure that you keep your headphones in top condition. After all, you don’t want to keep buying a new pair of headphones every month or every couple of months.


There are many advantages to maintain a regular and proper maintenance. Some of them include:

– extend the headphone lifespan

– maintain the new look

– enjoy the highest sound quality

– avoid invalidating the warranty.

Maintaining Your Headphones In Top Condition

#1: Dos:

– Clean Your Headphones Regularly: Just like any product that you buy, you should make sure that you regularly clean your headphones. One of the things that you should always do is to only clean them when they are unplugged.


In case you have earbuds, the best way to clean them is using an alcohol or screen wipe. This will remove any grime or bacteria. In case you have over ear headphones, then you should clean them with a microfiber cloth to ensure that they are always cleaned and shiny.

Check out the top noise cancelling headphones under 100.

– Use A Storage Case: Whenever you are not wearing your headphones, it is always better to store them in a storage case. The good news is that a lot of headphones available on the market already include their own case. So, you won’t need to buy any additional item.


– Protect The Wires: One of the things that we keep doing and we don’t even notice is that we unplug our headphones by pulling the lead. However, this is the wrong way to do it. The right way is to simply hold and then pull on the jack.

In addition, you should also make sure that you store your headphones with the wire rolled up neatly to avoid any possible tangling.

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#2: Don’ts:

– Don’t Carry Your Headphones In Your Pocket: When you tend to wear in-ear headphones, a lot of people tends to place them in the pocket when they need to go somewhere. While this is practical, the truth is that you shouldn’t do it. After all, it will be a lot easier for them to get tangled which can ultimately snap the wire Besides, you can also get your in-ear headphones scratched since they’re probably not the only thing that you’re carrying in your pocket.

– Don’t Wrap The Cable Around Your Device: You should always avoid doing this because you will be stretching the wire. This can make your wire break.


Discover the best noise cancelling headphones for sleeping.

– Don’t Share Your Headphones: While you may like to share the song that you’re listening to with a friend, this may not be a good idea. After all, you’ll be more prone to ear infections, throat infections, and nose infections. In case you still want to proceed with it, make sure that at least you have an antibacterial wipe to clean afterwards.