How To Clean Earbuds And Not Damage Them

While so many people wear earbuds on a daily basis, most of them tend to forget that they actually need to clean them out. But how to clean earbuds?

The truth is that the earwax that your ears naturally create, is the way your body has prevent water, insects, fungi, and bacteria, besides keeping your ear canal cleaned and lubricated. While this doesn’t seem very pleasant, the earwax is actually very important.

However, when you use your earbuds for countless hours, you are preventing your body from performing this action. Plus, when you are wearing them, your ears are getting hotter. So, your earbuds suddenly start acting like a magnet to earwax. After a couple of weeks wearing your earbuds, you may notice that it has some built-in dirt and you definitely need to learn how to clean earbuds.

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Even if you look at your earbuds and don’t notice anything, you might start noticing n the sound quality over time.

While we needed to take the time to explain to you why it is important to learn how to clean earbuds, the actual process is pretty straight-forward and easy to do. 

In order to start cleaning your earbuds, you need:

  • dish soap;
  • a cleaning toothbrush;
  • cotton swabs;
  • alcohol wipes;
  • rubbing alcohol.


#1: Covers:


In case your earbuds have silicone covers, the first thing you need to do is to carefully remove them and place them in the warm and soapy water. Then, use a cotton swab to eliminate any discoloration or debris that is accumulated. Make sure that you rinse them well and leave them dry for one night.

#2: Dry Brushing:

No, just grab your earbuds and start using the cleaning toothbrush to dry brushing them gently. This will make sure that you are getting rid of the most visible wax that was accumulated on the earbuds.

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When you are not seeing any more dirt, make sure that you hold the earbuds with the mesh facing down to ensure that any debris that might still be there is able to fall down.

#3: Using The Rubbing Alcohol:


The truth is that if you have been wearing your earbuds for some time, they will still have some earwax glued. So, what you need to do know is to grab a cotton swab and use it with the rubbing alcohol. Make sure that you gently remove any dirt and earwax that is still in the earbuds.

#4: The Alcohol Wipe:


While this step isn’t crucial, it won’t hurt either and you’ll end up with your earbuds disinfected. As soon as you are done with the rubbing alcohol, grab an alcohol wipe and wipe all the surrounding area and the earbud itself as well. This will ensure that you’ll remove any dirt that is still remaining.

Please note that you should only use the soapy water to clean the silicone covers and not the earbuds themselves. The truth is that if you attempt to do it or use any other perfume or chemical agents, you may end up with your earbuds damaged.

In what concerns with the toothbrush that you use, you should make sure that you use a nylon bristle only.

So, what are you waiting for to start cleaning your earbuds?